Films & Series

Here are a few examples of Goodieboyz created series and films that showcase our unique range of media skills.

Films | Documentaries

Documentary on Digital Nomads Living in Spain & Mexico

Goodieboyz created & produced the informative, yet reality driven travel documentary Show & Tell. This documentary features two families living as Digital Nomads in Spain and Mexico amid the struggles, adjustments, fears and experiences. The documentary spawned several popular helpful travel vlogs on YouTube.

Goodieboyz was involved in every aspect from talent acquisition, field location selection, training, budget, video production, editing, direction and music supervision.


Playlist of Various Comedy skits by Goodieboyz

Straight out the Burbs is our animation and skit comedy. Watch both animation comedy skits and sketch comedy from our fun bunch of talented comedy writers!

Goodieboyz was involved in every aspect from writing, talent acquisition, field location selection, training, budget, video production, editing, direction and music supervision.

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